We love sharing stories of how our products are used around the globe and in different ways. One of our favourite stories is of Stephen Finney from MKV Creative. Stephen travels the world training picture framers to all levels of the Fine Art Trade Guilds certified standards. He also demonstrates framing products at exhibitions on behalf of Lion, with much of his recent work being based in China. As an independent trainer Stephen has access to all makes of equipment but his first choice when it comes to manual cutters is Keencut every time.
On top of being a great advocate for our products, Stephen also provided valuable feedback to Keencut on those little ‘tweaks’ that could make all the difference for our end users. Stephen’s specific feedback focussed on our Futura product, small improvements we could make to ensure the product was even easier to use.
For example, one suggestion was to make access to the finish of cut calibration knob easier. We modified the machine to extend the knob and make it easier to access.
Stephen also asked if an engraved line could be added to the bevel blade support plate, similar to that on the Ultimat Gold, this was also actioned immediately.
We love to hear feedback from customers, and will do our very best to action any small suggestions that can be easily implemented. We also have an extensive new product development programme that is ongoing, and any suggestions which cannot be integrated immediately will be considered in the product development phase.