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Ultimat Futura accessory pack

Ultimat Futura accessory pack


Multi-angle cutting gauges

Three different angled plates (30°, 37.5° & 45°) that clip instantly and precisely into the matguide with no need for tools. By researching the needs of framers, we have chosen angles to provide the maximum creative scope with no fiddly adjustments. The three gauges enable the mat to be accurately positioned, marked and cut at angles of 30°, 37.5°, 45°. 52.5° and 60°, making easy work of hexagons, octagons, chamfered corners mats etc. You can also place more than one angled plate in the matguide at any one time to allow for special creative cutting.

75cm (30″) ext. MG set complete with 60cm (24”) arms

This useful 75cm (30″) extension set effectively extends the cutter base width up to 100cm (39″) wide, meaning the board will stay perfectly square and flat when cutting up to 75cm (30″) away from the edge on the left hand side. The extension set is ideal for square, accurate positioning of extra-large boards, multiple openings, title boxes or just very wide margins. Included in the set is the extended margin guide and two 60cm (24″) support arms.

Reverse bevel stop

The Reverse bevel stop is used to produce a reversed bevel mount/mat with no over or undercuts. These mounts/mats can then accept ‘slips’ or ‘fillets’, producing a clean, tight joint between the slip and the mount/mat. The bevel stop is also supplied with a steel backed scale.

Two additional support arms

A pack of two clip-on base extension arms which increase the effective width on the right hand side of the base to support full size boards and hold them flat and square for cutting perfect 90° corners.  Ideal when space is at a premium, clip the arms and squaring arm off when you need the area for another purpose.